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Enhanced Community Safety with New Defibrillator at Brierley Road

Council News

In response to requests from the community, Blyth Town Council is pleased to announce the installation of a new life-saving defibrillator at Brierley Road, enhancing community safety and providing vital support in emergencies. This initiative was officially resolved by the Environment Committee at its meeting on 10 December 2024, and the defibrillator has now been added to the national defibrillator network, The Circuit, as of 21 January 2025.

The total cost of the defibrillator and its installation has been generously funded by Councillor Wojciech Ploszaj, the Kitty Brewster ward County Councillor using their Members’ Local Improvement Scheme (MLIS) allocation. The defibrillator is located on the outside of the Spar building on Brierley Road, with the retailer kindly agreeing to both its location and to cover ongoing power supply costs as part of their commitment to community welfare.

This new defibrillator fills a critical gap in coverage for the area. The nearest existing unit is located over 775 metres away at the Briardale Community Centre. By situating this device at a central and accessible location, the Council aims to provide residents and visitors with a potentially life-saving resource in advance of professional medical assistance.

The Committee also considered a request to install a defibrillator at Portland Wynd, where residents identified a need due to the nearest defibrillator being located over one kilometre away. However, the proposal could not be progressed as the development  has not yet been adopted by Northumberland County Council (NCC), and we are in further communication with the developer, Miller Homes, regarding this.

These installations are supplemented by additional defibrillators provided by local community groups, expanding rapid-access options throughout Blyth.


Residents and visitors can locate the nearest defibrillator by visiting Defib Finder online and entering their postcode, which will provide a map of the 10 closest devices.


Blyth Town Council extends its appreciation to the individuals and organisations that have contributed to these life-saving resources, as well as to residents who continue to support public safety initiatives for the wellbeing of the entire community.