More Trees at Meggies Burn
In 2022, 120 native varieties were supplied by The Climate Change Programme Team at Northumberland County Council to extend the existing planting along Links Road.
In March 2022 we ventured further into the fields to plant an area identified by the County Council’s Tree and Woodland Officer. The whips for this area came from Northumberland County Council’s successful Local Authorities Treescape Fund bid which was supported by the Town Council. Planting was open to volunteers and organised with NCC’s Rural Growth Team and our Partnership Team. In March 1,250 whips were planted followed by a further 200 in April. The area is now planted with 11 varieties of trees: Downy Birch, Hornbeam, Hawthorn, Holly, Crab Apple, Scots Pine, Wild Cherry, English Oak, Dog Rose, Goat Willow and Rowan.
New Cycle Stands - March 2021
Following a request from resident, Anne Donnelly, for a cycle stand at Newsham, stands have been installed in 4 areas around Blyth.
Anne contacted Blyth Town Council with her suggestion for a cycle stand outside the fruit shop at Newsham as she regularly cycles to the shops.
Councillors Sandra Stanger and Gordon Thompson offered to pay for the stands from their Small Schemes funding and also suggested that stands be installed outside the former Black Diamond, the shops in Newsham Farm Estate and at the One-Stop-Shop in South Beach.
We contacted Northumberland County Council for permission to install the stands and, after discussions, our request for cycle facilities in these areas was incorporated into the County Council’s programme to install additional cycle parking in towns.
Anne was the first person to use the one that she’d originally asked for outside the fruit shop and sent us a photo. Anne said, “Getting around Blyth by bike is really simple and these new stands make it even easier to support local businesses while I’m out and about.”
Balloon/Lantern Releases
Blyth Town Council are committed to improving the environment and conservation. Northumberland County Council have taken the decision to ban balloon/lantern releases and we support this view.
Balloons and balloon pieces found on UK beaches has tripled in the last 10 years and pose a serious threat to wildlife. The Marine Conservation Society gives some great tips on safe alternatives to balloon releases as well as a lot of information about the affects they can have on our wildlife. For further information please visit Sky lanterns & environmental impact | Marine Conservation Society (mcsuk.org)
Northumberland County Council also have a great deal of information on their website. This can be viewed by following the links below:
Northumberland County Council - Environmental enforcement
More Trees at Meggies Burn
Almost a year since our popular community tree planting event at Meggies Burn, Blyth Town Council bought a further 1,500 trees to extend the planting which was carried out by our Partnership Team on 29 January and 1 February 2021.
A mixture of maple, cherry, hawthorn, hazel, pine, rowan and oak are being added to the stretch planted in 2020. A wildflower mix will be added to enhance the biodiversity of the area.
We were very disappointed that, due to the COVID-19, we could not hold another community event but hope that there will be more opportunities in a safer future as we are looking at tree planting in other areas.